Friday, June 2, 2023

Rules of the road

The driving here has taken a little getting used to. Our Brazilian friends recommend thinking of the rules of the road as "suggestions." Seems right. The exception is the "monitored electronically" signs, if you speed past one of those, lights will flash  and a ticket will come via email (true story). Everything else though -- stop signs, speed limits, center lines, flashing lights -- merely suggestions. It works out. In fact, the only real rule of the road is that you have to work it out. If you need to do 30 in a 50, no one honks, they slow down or go around (no need to wait for a passing lane). If you need to accommodate a cow or a bicycle with multiple passengers, two lanes can become three. To make a left in traffic, you just push in. They expect it and will give you a thumbs up and then you will give them a thumbs up. It's super civil. But if you hesitate, then you are a menace and they start to honk. Carol is a great Brazilian driver, I still get honked at. But, Carol was the one to "discover" the electronic monitoring signs and she is currently in the US, being a menace and getting honked at. 

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