Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The dogs of Matadeiro


Our good boy doesn't really dig the dog scene at the current place. There are some resident dogs, but he hasn't found anyone to pal around with yet- and no one to hump. So we were all excited to visit the very doggy Matedeiro last weekend. It didn't disappoint. Jowls of Fury was quiet as we approached but we called, "hey, Jowlsy" and he responded with some slobbery rage. When we crested the hill where you can first see the surfers, Scruff-A-Luff-A-Gus showed up out of nowhere. Keppy knew him in an instant and they tore off  down the hill, around the rocks and across the sand. After things with Scruff played out, we moved on down the beach in search of more action. We didn't see the dogs we were looking for on the first pass but on our way back, luck was with us. We saw the One Who Bared His Teeth and then we saw the wheelbarrow guy and then Sandy Patty came out from behind a wall. The real Sandy Patty, Kepner's very best girlfriend. It was a spirited reunion filled with chasing and wrestling and a tiny bit of humping that got shut down fast and athletic moves and in the end, tired, smiling dogs. Sometimes things are as good as you remember. This was one of those times.

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