Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Needs met


An update on the "what they don't have in Brazil" situation. Turns out, some things things they don't have, they do have. We asked our teacher about baking soda. He said to look near the cleaning supplies and pointed us toward the broom-selling shop on the corner. Sure enough, they had it and we bought it and Carol's shirt is stain-free and she is looking great. Dog toys were harder to find but they too exist here. Carol found a chichi pet store with meat in the food and a selection of dog toys and now Keppy has a ball that floats in the sea. Maple syrup we haven't found. The translation is associated with a urine disease, so we don't ask much but there is a place nearby that serves pancakes (panquecas) on the weekends, so who knows?  Ziplocks probably aren't a thing and we have moved on.

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