Monday, January 22, 2024

How to phone


When we moved here, figuring out the cellphone/data thing was challenging.  We ended up getting a Google Fi plan and I got a (very cheap) Google Fi phone. With Google Fi our phone service was cheaper but essentially unchanged plus we could use data from wherever we happened to be in the world. After about two months, I got an email informing me that if I wasn't back in the US in 30 days the fees would change and my data would be cut off. So, that was a bummer. The solution was a SIM card, which sounds like a no-brainer but in Brazil you need an identity number with the federal government to get one. Plus, you have to be really good at filling out forms. So, they cut off my data and eventually I figured out the SIM card. It works great, for about $10 a month I get all the data I need but I have to use a Brazilian phone number. Carol spent a little more for her phone and hers is eSIM compatible, so she got to keep her US number. So, if anyone is looking for advice, go with the Google Fi, just make sure your phone is set up for an eSIM and know that you will have to buy a (cheap) data plan when your international access expires.

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