Monday, July 24, 2023

The last Pimsleur

One of the most consistent resources that we've used to learn Portuguese has been Pimsleur language courses. We just finished our last lesson and its hard to believe that it's over. The very first Portuguese words I ever heard were through Pimsleur. They sounded unintelligible and scary but things got better over the course of five years. We kept on listening and repeating, off and on. Five courses, one hundred and fifty lessons, half an hour each, almost always more than once, often more than twice.  We kept on, off an on. Lessons in front of the stereo sipping campari. Lessons in the middle of nowhere, CDs skipping across washboard roads. A year or more in between lessons. Lessons everyday. It became part of our culture, singing Gloria from Flashdance and American Man. Checking the time to see how much longer. Learning about foods and places, some of which we have been able to sample and see. It is the end of an era, finishing Pimsleur, and even though it was just a language course, there will be an empty hole sometimes. 

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