Thursday, July 13, 2023

Penguins in unlikely places

 Penguin video

I've always had a thing for penguins but I guess I didn't know much about them. I thought they lived in the Antarctic. I  associated them with ice and snow. Imagine my surprise when we were walking down a sunny beach in Brazil and noticed an oddly shaped sea duck and then realized that it was an honest to god Penguin. We watched the little guy for a half an hour or more, swimming, surfing, fishing, and (in this video) coming out of the water so we could really get a good look. And then, hurrying back into the water because Keppy wanted to get a good look too. Since then, we have seen several more, because now that we know what to look for. Apparently it is penguin season here in the south and you really never know what you are going to see around here.

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