Thursday, May 18, 2023

It's not like we are dumb


Carol and I are of average intelligence back home, but here we are kind of dumb. We do dumb things like throw toilet paper in the toilet. Clearly, and as every potty-trained Brazilian knows, if it doesn't come out of your body, it doesn't belong in the toilet. There are signs up sometimes, in Portuguese of course, but dumb Americans like us still come around clogging up the pipes and causing trouble. We have also been known to get lost looking for the first floor (the ground floor is on the ground and the first floor is up one, genius) and we once gummed things up in a parking garage (you are supposed to pay before you get back in your car, der). So, it's not like we are dumb but we are definitely culturally under-developed, and it makes us do dumb things, and we apologize a lot, and we do feel dumb sometimes.

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