This hummingbird made a little nest in a small tree just outside our gate and became part of our lives. We checked on her after storms, worried about cats and commented on if she was there or not when we came and went. We learned that she would sit on the eggs for about two weeks and then take care of the babies for about two weeks. We made plans for Carol to send me videos if I was in the US when the babies were born. She isn't going to need to do that though, because we found the little nest torn up and abandoned yesterday morning. I was sad when we saw it. Sad for us, because we were looking forward to seeing the babies, but mostly sad for her because I attributed a mother's grief to the little bird. Then reason kicked in and I realized that the newly-freed hummingbird likely flew off without so much as a thought in her little bird brain and a scrappy cat likely got a tasty breakfast treat.